There are currently 5 Calix units in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. See for information about the Calix Society.
Click here to sign up for alerts regarding any of the following Calix meetings. This is the only way we have to send last minute updates regarding meetings (weather, cancellations, etc.)
Grays Ferry
There is a Calix gathering every Tuesday in the Grays Ferry neighborhood of South Philadelphia. We begin at 6:00 PM. On all but the 3rd Tuesday of the month we meet in the Matt Talbot Chapel, 1449 S. 29th St (29th & Dickinson) for adoration, Mass and a Calix meeting. On the 3rd Tuesday of each month we gather in St. Gabriel Church. We have a Holy Hour from 6-7 PM with adoration, confessions and prayer followed by Mass at 7 PM. We have various priests that join us each month and the evening’s intention are for all those who have addiction in their life: those in recovery, those still active and all those that love them!
Glenside/St. Luke the Evangelist
We meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month beginning with 8:30 AM Mass with the parish and then a meeting downstairs in the hall immediately following Mass.
Levittown/Queen of the Universe
This unit meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the parish center
Springfield/St. Francis of Assisi
This unit meets on the last Saturday of the month. They attend the 4:00 PM Vigil Mass and the meeting is immediately after Mass.
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